Toba Yang - Samuel Gelas - Carlotta Bailly-Borg : Et Après ?

At the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Paris-Cergy, the practice of painting is not new. The creation of the painting studio, about ten years ago, made it possible to federate individual approaches, sometimes isolated. It is an open platform, which allows to encourage a plurality of proposals.

Painting is a non-exclusive, permeable field, whose definition is constantly being questioned. All approaches are possible between the knowledge to make and its abandonment, to question the manufacture of works: slowness, tactility, computer resources, sculptural implementation, pieces in-situ ...

For the first time, ten young artists who attended the ENSAPC painting studio between 2010 and 2014 are invited to present their work in several Parisian galleries, at the Galerie Nathalie Obadia, the Placido Gallery and the ENSAPC Ygrec.

These first three exhibitions open a cycle and finally bring to light the diversity of pictorial research that emerges each year at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Paris-Cergy.

Carole Benzaken, Carole Boulbès, Christophe Cuzin, Eric Dalbis, teachers at ENSAPC